If you believe in evolution it is not because of the evidence, you bought the worldview.
Who do you say created the heavens and the earth?
Secular Science – The observation, identification, description, experimental investigation, and theoretical explanation of phenomena. Such activities are restricted to a class of natural phenomena.
Classic Science – The word science comes from the Latin “scientia,” meaning knowledge.
The above definitions succinctly describe the two worldviews. Secular atheist scientists restrict their knowledge to a world based only on natural phenomena, absent God. Christian scientists find the wondrous and amazing God as we explore His limitless creation. What really is laughable about atheist professors is they will say “science” says this or “science” says that. But, “science” is simply a term for knowledge and neither a person, opinion, or arbiter of truth. And, when it comes to historical science, not even the atheists can agree on it.
High School Seniors, as you head off to the liberal college of your choice, if you are a Christian, ONE atheist professor should not be able to unhinge your salvation. If they can, you never knew Christ to begin with. Review resources under the “Science” menu and you will be prepared for the satanic forces that are unleashed on every public university campus. Everything they do doubts or denies the existence of God. It looks good on the surface, sounds good to the ear, but is laced in lies.
There was only one reason for the professor to attack Jesus in his lecture; the vanity of hubris that enslaves him. In the universe they see poetry, inner spirituality, and wonder, absent a God. They are mere philosophers that fancy themselves elevated above Christ. Don’t let an atheist (that believes in the poetry of the universe and spirituality in the expanse, which screams creator) turn you with arguments decades and centuries old. The fact is, these are the same old arguments Carl Sagan used to evangelize stardust in the drug crazed 1960’s. You are special because the creator of the universe loved you first and he created you for His special purpose.
As you look at the worlds technologies, do you think a young earth Christian designing a building, bridge, boat, car, electronic device, etc. goes about it the same way as an atheist? Or is the Christian “anti-science” and simply praying the design will hold, disregarding known scientific principles?
This may sound absurd, but this is routinely leveled at Christians that do not believe in the Big Bang. “Scientists” and “Christians” that don’t hold scripture as sacred and authoritative from God accuse those of us that do as “anti-science.”
Nothing further could be from the truth and the pages in this section will take that accusation to task.
Though these bodies may indeed continue in their orbits by the mere laws of gravity, yet they could by no means have first derived the regular position of the orbits themselves from these laws. Thus, this most beautiful system of sun, planets, and comets could only proceed from the council and dominion of an intelligent and powerful being.
– Newton