Andy Stanley

Heretic from his CRT view of Bible application to evolution, do not trust Andy Stanley.

If the Bible and Science conflict, Science must win.


Andy Stanley – The poster child of warning to “Christian evolutionists”. Look what happens when you go full on science over God’s word.  It is an inevitable conclusion to the false religionist. His worship center is anything but Christian.  Absolutely run from Andy Stanley and all of his satellite churches.  The number of members have no value in God’s economy but the very thing his organization points to as success.  Doctrine matters and Andy Stanley and the several satellites are unorthodox and sending people to hell.  Andy has approved gay mirage and now what will he do when the polygamists show up at the door?  Since he has no foundation built upon the word, whatever he decides will simply be his word of false idol worship.  The Bible condemns Stanley.

NavigatorsWay Review of Stanley’s October 6, 2024 “message” of heresy posted October 9, 2024.

Full Sermon

Financial resources and volunteers to be the hands and feet of love is not the gospel. We are to be the hands and feet to proclaim Christ cruxified while serving. Serving absent the Gospel is vanity. We are not there to empathetically step into the shoes of sinners, We are there to teach the need for salvation. And the purpose of serving absolutely is not to fine tune our worldview. If you are stepping out from your church without a Biblical authority worldview, you might as well pee upwind. We are not there to expand our compassion. We are there to tell them that God sees them as a special creation, yet a sinner, and give them the Word of salvation. The Word which is Jesus, which never returns void. This is not an experience to expand our compassion or diminish our capacity to size people up. If that is the problem of members of Stanley’s church (prejudice toward minorities and the like), they do not know the Gospel.

Unfortunately for Stanley, he sees the true Gospel as a threat to the unchurched (which it kindof is). But, Stanley needs to look in the mirror on that one because he denies the true Gospel. He asks his congregation to take off the armor of God and redefines love into denial of sin and hell in order to engage the culture and not be a “threat”. Scripture is very specific as to God’s opinion of those ashamed of the true Gospel and the punishment for pastors who teach a different Gospel.

I wish Stanley would define what it is that he thinks “we’ve been wrong” about, but it certainly centers on CRT. To overcome this he incorporates lived experiences into scripture. This is the exact wrong Biblical hermenutic. We don’t inject meaning into scripture, we read and the Holy Spirit reveals truth, if we have submitted to Biblical authority. And this is the crux of Stanley’s false teachings, he does not submit to Biblical authority. He lives experiences, forces his understanding of those experiences into scripture and comes up with new gospels (he has more than one you know). The more I watch Stanley the more I grieve for him getting up and reading his life into scripture every day. That is the definition of idol worship and Stanley just explained to the whole world how to turn your very own life into an idol.

Mercy, what is mercy? It is not getting close to someone so you can smell what they smell. No, mercy of Christ is the mercy he has on us to have accepted the propitiation of our sins and imputed his righteousness on to us, though we deserve death. Indeed, if we die today with the knowledge of Christ (but not the heart of regeneration) and end up in hell, all we can do is hang our heads knowing it is what we deserve. But, the good news is, if we repent by faith alone to a life of following his commands, that is what brings you into alignment with his will. It certainly will never ever be the case that your lived experience with some poor person is going to align you with his will, never.

Stanley is 100% right that Christians need to exert themselves in this lost and dying culture. Rampant LGBTQ sin, men in women’s bathrooms and sports, the abortion holocaust, porn, child sex mutilations, the culture is wicked. I could take about 50% of what Stanley said, word for word which is truth, put some real orthodoxy around the other 50%, and have an actual sermon from Biblical authority. But, absent the priority being the sharing of the Gospel and planning discipleship classes for the church to prepare to serve, this is all vanity.

Having said all of that I have a challenge for Andy. If Stanley is willing to get some Gospel tracks and Bibles and preach (Christ crucified, sin, hell, and salvation) in the culture and not affirm any sins according to scripture, in the course of feeding and other good works at every event, I will serve with him. Stanley said, no matter what others think, if they want to help we can work together. Ok, I’m game.