Stream TV


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Roku Set-up Instructions

Want to fund Woke?  Have a cable bill.

Want to fund Christian content?  Sign up for these and cancel TV.



Roku Channel = Yes

“Sciences” Freak Show


Roku Channel = Yes


Roku Channel = Yes


Roku Channel = Yes


Roku Channel = Yes


Roku Channel = Yes


Roku Channel = Yes

Some programming is not orthodox Christianity, but it is family friendly.





Other interesting Roku Channels

TV Classics

Pluto TV



Aquatic Life


Roku = No


Roku = No


Roku Channel = Yes


Roku Channel = Yes

Stream Alternate News


Not orthodox Christianity, but a conservative view of the world





Cut the Cord and Defund Woke

Cut the cable / satellite cord and watch less secular TV.  Our cable bill funds go directly to fund wokeness.  Cable companies pay money to all of the most woke channels for the “privilege” of broadcasting their content. That is money directly from you to a ABC to help produce Modern Family.  Since 2007, fees these companies charge cable and satellite to retransmit their signal have gone up approx. 700%.

Do you have kids or grandkids to influence?  Are those children and young adults equipped to manage the sin onslaught from the culture? 

At NavigatorsWay, we submit not even the adults are equipped to live in the culture and not be impacted by it, absent a full-on sanctified life.  Satanic culture has infected down to nearly every commercial and the only answer to stop the indoctrination is cut the cord.  Anybody that thinks this indoctrination can be stopped by saying, “oh you know that is wrong, right?” every 5 minutes to your kids is a fool.  As we look at the number of unorthodox churches now, it is a direct result of the members of those churches being of this world.  God is separating the wheat from the chaff in His church.  Mortify sin by eliminating culture from your house.  Think about it.  How many times do your kids watch 2 dudes in bed over and over before it is sensitized in the mind?  The war is on, time to fight.  God is Holy and our culture unholy.

Does it take getting used to?  Yes! And everyone should realize this is how you fight the battle against the culture.  Christians have been lazy for 50 years and learning how to navigate a menu is hardly asking you to go to war.  But it will impact the revenue streams of the sin culture.  And, you are directly supporting Christian content developers in the process.  That is the key, redirect your funds, Christians.  Stop feeding satan.  It also means leaving a lot of secular content behind.