Federal Vision Lookback
Does Doug Wilson’s involvement with Federal Vision demonstrate he is a heretic? No…
Directly from Doug
The guys at TheoCast excoriated Doug as a heretic. Do you agree?
Federal Vision was the name of a 2002 conference. Federal meaning Covenant. There were different views from theologians coming out of the conference. Brandon Adams wrote an article that cast doubts in what Doug believes and drew a cloud of heresy around Doug. However, due to Doug’s Presbyterian theology, there are challenges for Baptists in fully characterizing some doctrines from that denomination. In addition, Brandon associates people Doug disagrees with theologically in a way that appears Doug agrees with them, like beliefs of Norman Sheppard denied by Doug. It was guilt by association mis-applied.
Everything Moscow Mood
Kevin DeYoung Still in the Mood for a Fight
Federal Vision discussion with Joel.
Okay, Just A Little Bit About Federal Vision
The Presbyterian challenged by the Baptist
The Federal Vision | James White and Doug Wilson
Reflections on the Federal Vision Controversy? | Doug Wilson
Federal Vision & the Reformed Tradition / Ask Doug
Justification by Faith Alone and Future Justification / Ask Doug
John Piper mocks Doug, but concludes Doug is not a heretic. Notice he mocks Doug AND his teachings. Mocking is what Piper pleads with Doug not to do constantly. At least Doug’s No Quarter November is mocking Clown World culture. In this same video, John defends NT Wright!! I think all of this might be called hypocrisy. Notice this is done with disgraced pastor Mark Driscoll and CRT leftist Matt Chandler.