Unwoke USA


Stores, Books, Courses, Bibles, etc.

Homeschool, Stores, Books, Courses, Bibles, Etc.

Get your kids out of public school now.  Between the brainwashing of millions of years convincing them they came from a monkey to androgyny, there are simply too many dangers and pitfalls of the system to trust it.

Equipping Your Children for the Culture War

The culture has become unrighteous, transgenderism and gay marriage are mirages of truth.   Truly, it is a satanic war and we need to realize what we are up against.  It is the French Revolution part II in many ways and time to get equipped.

Parents, what is the most important thing you can do for your kids?  Wish for them to be happy?  Provide for their education?  God forbid!  Your most important job is to sanctify yourself to Christ and mortify sin in your own life, and let your kids see it happening.  In addition, the public education system today is a cesspool of sin and satanic worship. The resources below may hep you in the process of glorifying God.  NW receives no monetization or kickbacks of any kind from stores linked on the site.

Top Book Recommendations.  

  1. The Bible
  2. Pillars of Truth for Baptist Churches
  3. The Doctrines of Grace (Presbyterian Authors, excellent for all). (Steven Lawson’s Grace Video Series)
  4. Matthew Henry’s Concise Bible Commentary