The Lie – NavigatorsWay Class Materials

Evolution is the greatest lie ever perpetrated on man.  -Dr. Terry Mortenson 

We CANNOT Trust These Christian Leaders Anymore | Ken Ham

The flimsy and false “evidence” presented by “consensus science” used to brainwash.

Origin of Lies

Terry Mortenson

Tommy Mitchell

Mary Schwietzer

Al Mohler

Ken Ham

Ray Comfort


Dr. Andrew Snelling Part 1, presents how secular scientist attempted to block his permits to do experiments in the Grand Canyon showing the desperation to protect the lie.

Evolution was shoehorned into the Bible when Christian theologians lost their faith in Biblical Authority.




Conspiracy Theories

If you believe in evolution, you definitely believe in aliens of the Klingon variety and do not believe the Bible is historical.

Which means you are in company with those believing the earth is flat and America did not go to the moon

Lies about the origin of scripture.  Foundation of heretics like Andy Stanley.

Flat Earth. Yep, Public Schools produce students that believe in flat earth.


If you are a Christian that shoe horns millions of years into the Bible, then you also by default, believe in LGM aliens.

The Truth will set you Free

Other Stuff

Notes for Bethel Class